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  • As a yoga enthusiast, I know how difficult it can be to achieve some of the postures and often wish I was a bit more flexible so I could enjoy their full benefits. Lucas Rockwood is a yoga teacher who managed to go from being unable to touch his toes to superflexible in a very short time. Now we can too! How? Check out his website and find out!
  • Come and spend an amazing weekend experiencing healing, therapies, music, and inspiring talks from renowned speakers at the Secret World Wildlife Rescue. Entry tickets cost £5 per day.
  • Elaine Fenton is one of the organisers of The Healing Weekend. Check out her website for information on her new book.
  • If you are considering learning some holistic therapies or you are a therapist looking to further your skills, you may be interested in Teach Therapy. They are based in Newport, Wales, and offer a variety of high standard training. For more info. take a look a their website.
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